There can be a number of situations when you might need help implementing Cyrillic characters into a font. For instance, you are drawing a font and are planning to add support of Cyrillic characters into it, but you don’t speak any languages that use Cyrillic characters. Or maybe you are entering new markets and you need to add Cyrillic characters into an existing corporate font?
We think that Cyrillization should only be commissioned from native speakers with a proven broad experience in font design. We think that TypeType company meets the following criteria:
We deeply care for and respect the Cyrillic alphabet. Native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages work for us.
All commercial and free fonts launched under the TypeType brand support Cyrillic characters by default.
We have already delivered several commissioned cyrillization projects. Please email us if you have any questions.

Font hinting (also known as instructing) is the use of mathematical instructions to adjust the display of an outline font so that it lines up with a rasterized grid.
At low screen resolutions, hinting is critical for producing clear, legible text. It can be accompanied by antialiasing and (on liquid crystal displays) subpixel rendering for further clarity.
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So you decided to create your own font — exactly the font that your company or client needs. You prepared sketches, worked on the shape of the characters, converted the image into curves and, possibly, transferred the outlines to a font editor (or maybe you worked in a font editor from the start).
First we will check the design and the main character set, the quality and correctness of the outlines, the thickness of similar strokes and more. We use complex proprietary software to optimize the process.
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