Página principal Blog Creating a customized version of TT Trailers with pet-friendly diacritics

Creating a customized version of TT Trailers with pet-friendly diacritics

How often have you come across hidden kitties and puppies right in the letters? If never, do hurry to read this case.

TypeType was approached by MO NO DESIGN CO to customize the TT Trailers Bold font for the Petchoy project. As you might guess, this is a pet food brand. And at that, not just some food, but fresh, nutritious and delicious.

There were really many tasks:

• draw and add Vietnamese to the TT Trailers Bold font file
• add three sets of «pet friendly» diacritics for Vietnamese
• hinting of new characters.

The TypeType team started by drawing a classic set of Vietnamese diacritics. A total of 92 glyphs were added to the font file.

Creating a customized version of TT Trailers with pet-friendly diacritics
Set of Vietnamese diacritics

Then we started the most interesting task — integrating the silhouettes of cats and dogs into the graphics. We ended up with 4 stylistic sets with pet references. For these, we used the client’s sketches as a reference.

Creating a customized version of TT Trailers with pet-friendly diacritics
Adding pet-friendly elements

After that, the designers took up a new task — they replaced the diacritics with a more suitable one to the wishes of the client.

Creating a customized version of TT Trailers with pet-friendly diacritics
Replaced the diacritics

When all the characters were drawn, the team began to work on kerning so that all the letters fit perfectly together in the text canvas.

In the final stages, our technical specialists specified the font features and hinted new characters. The new font files were named TT Trailers Petchoy and TT Trailers Petchoy Display, one containing traditional Vietnamese diacritics and the other the unique pet friendly elements.

Creating a customized version of TT Trailers with pet-friendly diacritics
Product packaging with a customized version of the font

Both customized fonts worked well for the client who was able to use them for their social media and other forms of communication.

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