Página principal Agreement

Acuerdo de usuario

This User Agreement (hereinafter the Agreement) governs the relations between TypeType (hereinafter the Firm) and any person (hereinafter the User) visiting or using websites or (hereinafter jointly, the Websites). By using the Websites in any way, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement as stated below without reservation, accedes to this Agreement, and accepts all obligations and risks as described below.


1. General Provisions

1.1. The Firm is the owner of these Websites and the administrator of the domain names The Firm hereby grants access to the Websites, and the User undertakes to use them appropriately within the limits set forth herein.

1.2. The main purpose of the Websites is to provide the Users with information about the Firm’s activities and set communication channels among the Users and the Firm via web forms (the Feedback Forms) and mailings. The information about the Firm may be updated from time to time without any notice.

1.3. In no case shall the Websites contain any public (firm) offers for rendering services or selling goods by the Firm.

1.4. The information on the Websites shall be used for informational purposes only. The Firm waives any liability for the use of such information by the User. Before taking any action or refusing to take (refraining from) any actions based on the information contained on the Websites, the User shall seek advice from representative of the Firm.

1.5. The Website contains the information on the Firm’s offices (including branches and standalone subdivisions), affiliates, and business partners. The Firm makes every effort to ensure that this information is up-to-date. However, it is recommended that the User independently contact the said offices / persons to clarify their activities using the contact details provided on the Websites.

1.6. The Firm has the right to unilaterally amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement without special notice to the User. The current version of the Agreement is always available on the Websites. The User shall check from time to time the up-to-date terms and conditions of the Agreement.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

2.1. The Firm owns intellectual property (exclusive) or license rights to the Websites as a whole and to all results of intellectual activity posted thereon including, among other things, texts, photos, charts, graphic pictures, other images, computer programs, including source codes and object codes, video and audio recordings, other copyrights, databases, as well as the composition and arrangement of the above items on the Websites’ pages, design of the Websites, including their appearance, colour palette selection, structure, and fonts (jointly, the Content).

2.2. The User shall respect the Firm’s rights to the Content and refrain from any actions that may directly or indirectly result in infringement of the Firm’s rights to the Content or facilitate any such infringement by a third party.

3. Use of the Websites

3.1. The Firm grants the User a non-exclusive gratuitous right to use the Content worldwide in the following ways:

— access and read the Content by launching the Websites in the browser window during the User’s web session;

— record any pages of the Websites or their fragments on a digital data medium (for example, a hard drive or a flash drive) or print them out and use for the purpose set forth in clause 1.2 hereof provided that the User observes the following restrictions. It is prohibited to: (i) distribute copies (printouts) of any pages of the Websites or fragments thereof or create multiple copies of such webpages unless such actions are necessary for the purpose mentioned above; (ii) delete, change, or hide copyrights or other IP protection signs and notices; (iii) record (print) any pages of the Websites or their fragments if they contain prohibition notices or software tools preventing such actions; and (iv) change or add the Content; and

— quote the Content to the extent necessary for the legitimate purpose of citing provided that the Websites are indicated as the sources of citation (by a hyperlink reference).

3.2. The User shall have no right to sublicense any of his/her rights specified in clause 3.1 hereof.

3.3. The User shall have the rights set forth in clause 3.1 hereof provided that he or she complies with all provisions of this Agreement. A breach of any clause hereunder entails automatic and immediate termination of the User’s rights to use the Websites without a specific notice.

3.4. The Firm may, at its sole discretion, terminate or limit access to the Websites for a single User or a group of Users without explanations.

3.5. It is forbidden for the User to

— reproduce the Content in any printed periodical publication and further distribute the copies of such periodical publication, broadcast or broadcast via cable the Content and make it available to public without the Firm’s prior consent;

— access the settings of the Websites that are not intended for all Users or unauthorized Users;

— use logins and passwords of other Users and take any other actions aimed at misrepresenting as another User;

— use the Content in any ways not specified in clause 3.1 hereof including, but not limited to processing, decompiling, and incorporating in composite works;

— create any phishing web resources or other web resources confusingly similar to the Websites or the Content;

— take any actions with regard to the source code of the Websites;

— bypass the navigation system of the Websites and take any actions aimed at causing inappropriate functioning of the Websites, slowing down or impeding their operation, artificially increasing the load on servers and communication channels;

— bypass antiviruses, firewalls, and security tools of the Websites and their hosting servers;

— search for and use vulnerabilities of the Websites;

— access the Websites using web bots other than official web crawlers belonging to search engines;

— use the Feedback Forms for the purposes other than those set forth by the Firm;

— send malware, advertisements, spam, or fraudulent messages through the Feedback Forms;

— track the actions of other Website Users and check their identities;

— incite any other persons to take the above actions; and

— take any other actions prohibited by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

4. Feedback Forms

4.1. The Firm may place the Feedback Forms on the Websites to subscribe to information and marketing mail-outs, contact the Firm, and send any other messages (jointly, the Messages).

4.2. In some Feedback Forms, there might be a field to specify the organization represented by the User. If this field is filled out, the Firm will consider the User as an authorized representative of the said organization. In all other cases the User shall send the Messages on his or her own behalf and solely for his or her own benefit.

4.3. The Messages not corresponding to the purpose of the Feedback Form (to be indicated in the header) may be deleted without consideration.

4.4. The Websites may contain a Feedback Form to contact the Firm’s employees. The User shall take into account that the Messages addressed to a particular employee may be also available to other employees (for example, assistants or employees responsible for mail handling). In this regard, the User shall refrain from sending any personal messages or strictly confidential materials not intended for disclosure to any person other than the direct addressee.

4.5. The Feedback Forms shall not be intended for sending any materials containing legally protected secrets (attorney-client privilege, secrecy of investigation, bank secret, etc.).

4.6. The Firm’s clients, contractors, and any other contracting parties shall not use the Feedback Forms for correspondence during work under the agreements entered into with the Firm.

5. Mailings

5.1. The Websites support informational and marketing mailings. The Firm is the owner of the distributed information. If necessary, any interested persons may rely on the Firm’s company name, location, address, and e-mail provided in this Agreement.

5.2. The Users may change the subscription conditions at any time and unsubscribe in the relevant sections of the Websites. The Firm shall have the right to cancel the subscription of any User or refuse to subscribe him or her without explanation and at the Firm’s sole discretion. The Firm shall not unilaterally change the topics of mailings.

5.3. The User shall not subscribe to the mailings with a third-party email address.

6. External Links

6.1. The Websites may contain links to third-party resources. The Firm uses its best efforts to exclude any links to unreliable, fraudulent, or similar web resources. Such web resources are beyond the scope of this Agreement. The Firm shall not bear any liability for the content and functioning of third-party web resources expressly including any possible damage that the Users may suffer on the said web resources.

7. No Warranty

7.1. ACCESS TO THE WEBSITES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE USER ON AN «AS IS» BASIS. THE FIRM HEREBY WAIVES ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE CONTENT AND THE WEBSITES. AMONG OTHER THINGS, THE FIRM PROVIDES NO WARRANTIES TO THE USER THAT: (i) the Websites ARE FREE FROM program errors, AND THAT THEY ARE compatible with the User’s devices and correctly displayed on such devices; (ii) the Websites and EVERY SINGLE PAGE THEREOF will be permanently accessible to the User; (iii) the Websites contain complete, exhaustive, accurate, error-free information ABOUT the Firm and its activities THAT IS appropriate for the User’s needs, and reference, news, and analytical materials on legal and other issues; (iv) when printing or recording to a DIGITAL medium, the pages of the Websites will look the same as they look online; (v) the Websites do not contain information, access to which is prohibited or restricted in the country where the User is located; and (vi) the Websites do not contain information that, in the User’s opinion, may be incorrect or offensive.

7.2. When using the Websites, the User should rely on his or her own antiviruses, firewalls, and other information security tools. The Firm uses ITS BEST EFFORTS to PROTECT the Websites from hacking attacks, cybercrimes, and other THIRD-PARTY actions THAT ARE harmful and dangerous to the User. However, the Firm waives any warranties that a third party will be unable to illegally use the Websites and their Content to the DETRIMENT of the user.

8. Limitation of Liability

8.1. The Firm shall not be liable for any breach of the obligations under the Agreement and for any losses incurred by the User as a result of using the Websites, except as due to the Firm’s willful misconduct. The Firm shall not be liable for any other damage to the User, unless it is caused by the Firm’s fault.

8.2. The User shall be fully liable for any breach of this Agreement or any infringement of the Firm’s intellectual property and other rights according to the applicable law as defined in clause 10 hereof and the laws applicable at the User’s location (if the User’s actions constitute a crime or other offence under the laws of such country).

9. Confidentiality

9.1. The User’s personal data shall be confidential information and shall be processed according to the TypeType Privacy Policy.

9.2. Any messages submitted through the Feedback Form shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed by the Firm, except when: (i) the sender has requested in writing to disclose the Message to a third party or to publish it; (ii) the Message shall be disclosed by the decision of a competent court or on a lawful inquiry of law-enforcement and any other state authorities as well as by virtue of the applicable law (clause 11 hereof); (iii) access to the Message shall be provided to the Firm’s service providers conducting technical support and maintenance of the Websites and the Firm’s computer systems provided that they entered into a confidentiality agreement covering the Messages; and (iv) the Messages contain the information on the committed or imminent crimes, or administrative offences, or their signs.

10. Dispute Resolution

10.1. All disputes arising out of this Agreement or connected with the use of the Websites shall be finally resolved by a court at the location of the Firm.

11. Feedback

11.1. Any inquiries on the issues related to the operation of the Websites and any notices of infringement of copyright and (or) related rights shall be sent via e-mail [email protected].